Sunday, April 29, 2012

No more gluten for this girl...

About a week and a half ago, I went to my doctor to get results on my allergy tests to figure out my daily headaches and extreme fatigue. Well.... turns out I'm allergic to everything!!! Okay not everything, but most items I eat on a daily basis.

I'm allergic to...

-Goat milk

-Chicken eggs (white & yolk)
-Duck eggs (whole)


-Kidney bean
-Lima bean
-SOY bean
-Gliadin wheat
-Whole wheat

-Zucchini, squash

I thought at first, "Oh this will be easy.. I was vegan for a long time." Wrong. I didn't realize how many things have wheat or soy!!! holy cow. I find myself eating more meat to take the place of the breads I would eat. It's sort of fun to find all the substitutes and if you think about it.. It's pretty much meats, fruits, veggies, and rice or potatoes. Simple.

Everyone keeps going on about how expensive it is to eat this way but in all honesty, it's been cheaper. I make my own food and pre plan it so that I don't run out. The downfall is if you are out somewhere and want something quick, it's pretty hard.

Anyways..... I'm planning to document my recipes and whether I enjoyed them or not. If you know anyone with food allergies maybe they can benefit from this or if you know any links or groups I could join to better educate myself, feel free to leave a comment. :)

Oh... by the way... I found gold..



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Here you find little pieces of my life, inspiration, DIY's, and behind the scenes of my Etsy shops. I'm always thinking of new things and love to share. Thank you for stopping by...

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